Welcome to First Baptist Church of Otsego!

Our Purpose:

Knowing Christ... Living Christ... Making Christ Known...

Our Focus:

Our Leadership at FBC desires the whole body of believers to know, be competent at, and be developing in these four areas:

Scripture: Skillful and active handling, regular study and consumption, personal knowledge and use as well as use with each other! (Col. 3:16)

Evangelism: Operative knowledge of the gospel, great commission obedience and mindset, purposeful interactions with the saved and lost. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Discipleship: Followers that are walking with Christ (Disciples) and helping others in their walk (Disciple-makers).

The Church: Understand the essence and purpose of the church, partnering in gospel ministry. Seeing our critical part in the ‘body’. (Rom. 12:4-5)